

RF Academy

Logo Design

RF Academy is an online course used to train radio frequency engineers for T-Mobile.

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Training Slides

Theme/Slide Design

Slide designs used by instructional designers to create training courses for different teams.

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Layout Design

Created banners used for email communication and websites.

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Artisan MArket

Branding and Application Design

Fresh and ready, the food of Artisan Market redefines the words “takeout” and “delivery.”


William Shakespeare

Publication Design

William Shakespeare Writer, Poet, Artist honors the elegant and dark poet and playwright.


14409 Dry gin

Branding and Package Design

14409 Dry Gin brings the exhilarating feeling of conquering Mt. Rainier — all 14409 feet of it. 


50 Graphic Designers

Publication Design

50 Graphic Designers Influencing America pays homage to the professionals of the field.

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